Curriculum Vitae Ingo Karkat topic home

I'm a professional software developer with a strong interest in software engineering practices. My fascination with electronics and programming started early in the home computer age; I found a satisfying place in various open source projects, and I enjoy working in large, complex projects in a multi-cultural professional environment. With my commitment to the highest standards of quality and craft, I enjoy steadily improving on the code and watching the software grow and adapt.

Contact Information

home office photo of Ingo Karkat



Relevant Experience


Operating Systems
public clouds Google Cloud, Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, various Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, RHEL, openSUSE, CentOS, …), Microsoft Windows (10, 7, 20…, XP, NT4.0, 95, 3.1), BSD (PC-BSD 9.0, Free BSD 8.1), HP-UX (11, 10), Sun Solaris, IBM AIX
Java (1.1…8, 17, 21; Hibernate, Spring, Apache Commons) / Groovy, xUnit (jUnit, Hamcrest, Mockito), Vimscript, REST / SOAP / WSDL, SQL, Unix shell (POSIX, Korn, Bash), DOS, VBScript/VBA, JavaScript, DHTML/Ajax/CSS, XML (Schema, XSLT, XPath), Adobe Flex, Perl, Python, C (gcc), C++ (MFC), COM/DCOM
Tool Set
Vim Editor, IDEs: IDEA IntelliJ, PyCharm, Eclipse, Visual Studio Code and MS Visual Studio 6; version control: mostly Git, Subversion, ClearCase; build: GitHub, Jenkins, Maven, Ant, make, Imake
VMware ESX, Docker containers, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, etcd, Vault, Helm, Apache Httpd, Apache Tomcat, JBoss AS, Apache Samba, TWiki Wiki, SAP R/3, SAP NetWeaver, PostgreSQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite, Windows Server Clustering & HA in HP-UX
Software Engineering
micro services, refactoring, Clean Code, design patterns, lean development, Agile (XP, Scrum, SAFe), requirements analysis & architecture, use cases, UML, CRC, coding guidelines, test management, -plan, -matrix, security, usability & UX, third-level product support
Project leadership
feature definition, iteration planning, sprint demo and training for field support engineers, worldwide multi-cultural project work, collaboration in cross-functional teams (marketing, sales, customer support, documentation, QA), collaboration und knowledge databases, team coordination, ownership transition to off-shore teams, WBS, Gantt-chart, MS Project, metrics, postmortems and retrospectives

Ingo Karkat; as of 23-Jan-2025

  1. German grades: 1 - very good, 2 - good, 3 - satisfactory, 4 - adequate, 5 - inadequate, 6 - fail