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25-May-2010 - …

Todo.txt task tracking

Probably due to the simplicity of the task tracking solution, I was drawn into contributing many fixes, enhancements, Wiki edits and quick answers on the mailing list, all of which were greatly appreciated by the community. Enabled by the script's extension points, I initially developed, modified and used 24 small addon scripts to customize the application to my workflow, before publishing them as a separate project (see below).

The great GitHub platform, existence of an automated test suite, and friendly community of partially less technical people made contributing so much fun. My first steps consisted of cleanup of help messages, code consistency and minor bug fixes, in order to learn more about the script and the community. Later I contributed enhancements and then coordinated problem reports and fixes from other developers. This resulted in the v2.7 release on 04-Aug-2010, where I contributed 39 out of 42 commits, and continued with me as the lead developer of the v2.8 release on 14-Sep-2011.

In Aug-2017 (after hiccups with the Android app's sudden loss of Dropbox support), Ali Karbassi offered to pick up the languishing project from Gina Trapani, and I joined the new todotxt organization with direct commit access in consultative capacity.


From the beginning, I had picked up some Todo.txt add-ons from various contributors, and soon wrote my own custom commands, configuration, and special filters. This eventually culminated in a set of matching interdependent extensions that codified my personal approach to task handling. Because there had been keen interest in various pieces of my add-ons, I finally released them as a separate project in Feb-2012.

12-Feb-2002 - …

Vim text editor

I'm an avid user of the Vim text editor since Vim 6.0 in 2002.


Starting Sep-2006, I have published several of my customizations and enhancements as Vim scripts on the community site. Some of them have been downloaded over a thousand times. I'm one of the most prolific script authors, with 90+ published plugins (up from 38 in March-2012). I have been contributing bug reports, patches, and critiques to at least as many plugins by other authors (to some of them regularly as a kind of co-development), and regularly receive (overwhelmingly positive) feedback about them.


Since Dec-2006, I'm a member of the mailing list, where I participate in troubleshooting help, feature discussions, and strategy. I've submitted several bug reports and Vim patches, many of which have been incorporated into the mainline.

Since Dec-2007, I partipate in the Vim Tips Wiki, amassing 104 edits as of Mar-2012. I also frequent the Vim subreddit, and watch questions tagged Vim on Stack Overflow and on the Vi and Vim StackExchange site, answering questions as they come up.

Ingo Karkat, 28-Mar-2009; last update 13-Oct-2024